Project Advancement l July 17 – 27

At the intersection of Stockton and Geary work to construction portion of the station roof has begun
This notice provides a construction update and a look ahead for what to expect in the areas where we are building four new stations along the alignment. You’ll find information about work activities, traffic and transportation impacts taking place over the next two weeks at SoMa, Yerba Buena|Moscone, Union Square and Chinatown.
Construction schedules, bus routes, and stop locations are subject to change due to unforeseen conditions. Signs will be posted at affected stops to advise of service changes.
Now through August 14, the contractor is performing work on the 36′ sewer line and the removal of the existing high water pressure line at the 4th and King streets intersection between the hours of 9a.m. – 3p.m. No through-traffic available on King Street to I-280.
Our thanks go out to the businesses, residents, shoppers, commuters, and all those who are touched by the Project, for their continued engagement as we work to extend the city’s public transportation system.
The Central Subway Team