Project Advancements | February 27 – March 9

Workers lift a section of pipe that will be used to pour concrete into the excavated pile shafts. The concrete piles form the foundation of the future 4th and Brannan Station.
This post contains brief updates about recent construction activities and a look-ahead for what to expect in Southern SoMa, Northern SoMa, Union Square, Chinatown and North Beach over the next two weeks. For more detailed information, click here or on the links below. You can also find construction, traffic detour, and Muni impact information on our project Google Map.
Construction schedules may change due to unforeseen conditions. We encourage the public to follow traffic and pedestrian notifications posted at the work sites.
Southern SoMa (Harrison to King): Utility work along 4th Street from Harrison to King streets. Portal construction on 4th Street between Harrison and Bryant streets.
Northern SoMa (Market to Harrison): Excavation and construction of station roof along 4th Street between Howard and Folsom streets. Ongoing ground improvement activities at 4th and Jessie streets.
- Utility work on Folsom Street at 4th Street
- Two traffic lanes available on Folsom Street during work hours of 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
Union Square: Excavation of the station, relocation and supporting of utilities on Stockton Street between Ellis and Post streets.
Chinatown: Excavation of the site and preparation for the installation of the station roof.
- Sewer upgrade on Stockton Street between Washington and Jackson streets
- Parking lanes on both sides of Stockton Street will be used for travel lanes from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- Night work anticipated March 3 and 4 from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.
North Beach: Completion of work in front of 1731-1741 Powell Street (retrieval shaft) is anticipated by early March. Hours of work are 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. A lane of traffic will be available on Powell Street.
- Sidewalk restoration is slated for completion by early March
- Street light installation may start in early March
We thank the businesses, residents, shoppers, and commuters of San Francisco for their continued engagement with this significant investment in the extension of our public transportation system. When opened in 2019, the Central Subway will provide a much-needed connection between major employment, retail, cultural and residential areas of the city.
please show us a drawing of how the Union Square station connects with the Powell Street station for access to BART.
thank you – Gustavo
Hi Gustavo. Here are some links to information about the connections: and There are diagrams that illustrate the connections.
why are piles being drilled/built along all of 4th St?
Hi Gustavo. Thanks for your question. The work on 4th Street is not confined to pile work. Between Howard and Folsom we are excavating the Yerba Buena/Moscone Station. Between Harrison and Bryant we are building a portal: We are finishing up pile work between Welsh and Brannan…approximately 90% done with the station platform foundation piles. These piles will support the 4th and Brannan surface station. Between Brannan and Townsend we are upgrading the sewer. If you have additional questions you can email us direct at